The celebrations surrounding the inauguration of Barack Obama have sparked a new outbreak of Obama Fever among our media. Let us try to go beyond the ‘people’ aspect in order to gauge more effectively the scope of the election of the Senator from Illinois.
In America itself, Barack Obama’s victory is the United States’ victory over the ghosts from its past. The fact that the African origin of the Democratic nominee played virtually no role in influencing the voters’ choice is strong evidence of the excellent state of health of American democratic society. This victory is reshaping the view that the rest of the world has of America: the superpower is finally giving up trying to impose democracy by force, and, accordingly, is cleaning up its own back yard, choosing to lead by example in providing the rest of the world’s leaders with an African-American negotiating partner. In so doing, it has regained the respectability and the power of fascination that it had lost under George Bush.
This is quite an achievement, but for now… that’s all, folks. As from 21 January, the newly inaugurated US President’s image is set to change as he becomes the man in charge of all of his country’s troubles and a significant portion of the world’s woes to boot. He will now be judged on his deeds rather than his Hollywoodesque profile, his moving eloquence, his tremendous electoral talent and his own personal story: in the midst of raging storms, all that is asked of the captain is to be a great sailor.
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