We now have proof that, contrary to what the mainstream media were constantly saying, the French are not bored with Europe. They piled into the polling stations in numbers as great as for a presidential election! It had been a long time since any political campaign had aroused as many discussions, as much passion, and had provided as many topics of conversation at the office, in the café, among friends, even at home in the family. All the media ran debates and assembled a full range of documentation. The text of the Constitution, despite being pronounced ‘unreadable’, and the ten or so books published for the occasion flew off booksellers’ shelves. Even the Braille edition was soon sold out! For the first time, large-scale use was made of new communication technology: e-mails, texts, blogs … Over the past two months, the forum of this personal site alone has hosted a considerable number of often very lively exchanges. This is good news for our democracy.
Unfortunately it is the only good news. Otherwise, 29 May left only defeated people in its wake.
The first among them, clearly, are the supporters of the European Constitution, starting with the writer of these words. From the time the idea of a Constitution was mooted in the European Parliament, back in July 1999, what obstacles have been overcome, what new ideas have sprung to life and what improbable successes have been achieved! The unprecedented convening of a Convention to draft the text, the consensus, which hardly anyone dared hope for, reached within it among the representatives of all political parties in all the parliaments of Europe (with the sole exception of the British Conservatives), the support of all the governments for a text which nevertheless created a political power competing with theirs, the support of the new Member States, despite the fact that they had just joined the Union on the very different basis of the Treaty of Nice… These six years of work are what the vote on 29 May destroyed.
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