Réunions et manifestations d’Alain Lamassoure – 2009

Cette rubrique relate les réunions et manifestations les plus importantes, qui se sont déroulées dans la région Sud-Ouest, auxquelles Alain Lamassoure a participé depuis septembre 2005.

– le 17 octobre, réunion des cadres de l’UMP des Pyrénées-Atlantiques et apéritif-débat avec les adhérents de la 5ème et de la 6ème circonscription, à Biarritz

– le 16 octobre, inauguration de l’Artère de Guyenne (tronçon de l’artère gazière reliant le Sud-Ouest au reste de la France), au Palais des congrès de Bordeaux

– le 9 octobre, inauguration d’Evento 2009 (le rendez-vous artistique et urbain de Bordeaux) par Alain Juppé, à Bordeaux

– le 2 octobre, soirée débat animée par le Professeur Pierre Bidart, de l’Université de Bordeaux 2, sur le thème « l’Europe : une conviction, un projet, un programme », à la salle municipale Plaza-Xoko de Baigorry

– le 19 septembre, intervention lors du 20ème anniversaire du Comité de jumelage de Terrasson-Lavilledieu avec les villes de Theux en Belgique et Biersdat en Allemagne, à Terrason-Lavilledieu (24)

– le 17 juillet, réunion avec les militants UMP, à Anglet. Lire la suite…

‘A Europe that protects’, or Europe the scapegoat?

In France, left-wing, right-wing and far-right-wing political parties are beginning the European election campaign by fighting over the slogan ‘A Europe that protects’. In the midst of an economic crisis, this is precisely what the French expect of Europe. What is more astonishing, and more distressing, is that everybody always seems to jump on the bandwagon and make ‘Brussels’ the scapegoat for all our ills, whether real or imaginary. All those who are having a good laugh at the commotion surrounding the composition of rosé wine draw the same conclusion: ‘Why on earth is the EU concerned with such trivial matters, rather than focusing on what is important?’

The most famous case that comes to mind and is being talked about once more is the European Regulation on the manufacture of cheeses made from raw milk. Seventeen years later, Charles Pasqua’s impressive diatribe still strikes fear into the hearts of the weak-minded. What! The technocrats in Brussels think that they can teach our fine producers how to make Vacherin cheese? Bellow, you cattle, ring those bells! What bee was in those penpushers’ bonnet? Quite simply … the representatives of French producers. For a cheese made from raw milk that has been poorly manufactured could cause the dreadful infection known as listeriosis, a potentially deadly disease which still occasionally occurs in humans. Our European partners seized upon this pretext to ban imports of these French cheeses. The only way to appease them was to convert the French rules on the manufacture of cheeses made from raw milk into an EU regulation. This was done, allowing our farmers to expand their client base, much to the satisfaction of producers, consumers, our trade balance … and anti-European rabble-rousers. Lire la suite…

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