Let us not beat about the bush: 28 February 2002 will be remembered as a historic date for Europe, marking the disappearance of the last national currencies in the euro area. The same day sees the opening in Brussels of the Convention on the Future of Europe. A new chapter is beginning. Why?
After half a century, Europe is a strange political animal. It makes laws – the European Parliament now adopts more legal instruments than the National Assembly. It mints coins. It has its own budget, which, at 100 billion euros, is comparable in size with that of Spain. It raises an army: next year the Union will have a rapid-reaction force of 100 000 troops. It has a common spokesman on foreign policy. Its 380 million inhabitants possess common European citizenship in addition to their national citizenship. And yet this unparalleled Union has neither legal personality nor full-time leaders. Moreover, it is now preparing to welcome a dozen new member countries, almost all of them from the old Eastern bloc.
It is time to put the law in line with reality. Since Europe is undoubtedly a political power, it needs a constitution, in other words a statute that clearly defines its goals, its powers and its governing bodies and guarantees that these bodies are fully democratic.
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